Sunday, May 26, 2013

Finding Zen

Good day to all you small time traders wherever you are.

One of the most fascinating things that I've found while researching people who are successful in trading is that they seem to have one thing in common. They search to find a balance between their trading life and their real life. The most common schedule seems to be to spend about an hour researching setups, and then to trade for about two to three hours after the market opens. Then, win or lose that day they turn the trading station off, go outside and do their favorite physical activity. Check out in my Most Valuable Links for an example of this lifestyle.

I would love to put this into practice one day.

So in my search for the application of balance in all things, I find it appropriate to focus on zen and balance in this post. Here are some pictures I took recently near the Hasedera shrine in Kamakura, near Enoshima Japan.

Good luck trading next week,

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